I am often asked how I find time to knit...but how is there not time to knit??

Life is busy.  From the "Have To-Do's" and "Get To-Do's" and Everything in Between.  

Here are just a few of the Places I Knit!!

I love going to watch my A's play baseball with my son.  Sometimes the game gets too intense....knitting helps!

At the High School.....knitting a Middle School hat.  Supporting Elementary School Track.  Go Mustangs! 

In my classroom at lunch.  A great way to relax after a room of noisy students!

Sitting in a coffee shop, the only person not on a phone.  Waiting for my daughters theatre class to end.

My kids love the twisty coasters.  My stomach can't handle it anymore. I watch them....and knit, of course.

I love my local library!  And on a hot day, it is a great place to escape from the heat!

Waiting for my cars Smog check to be done... just a long enough wait to feel like I accomplished something.

Passenger in the car!!  I've never been able to read in the car, but I can knit.  Makes I-5 so much better.

Waiting backstage with the middle school orchestra!

Down at the ball fields.... waiting for my sons baseball game to get started!  I can't knit while he is pitching, but this calms my nerves while he warms up!

Waiting in (a very long) line at Magic Mountain for Colossus.  Worth the wait...this ride is great!! 

Elementary School Family Bingo Night.  Perfect time to do a project that doesn't need my full attention!

Here I'm watching my favorite boy during his tennis lesson....and knitting!

Trying to relax while watching my son during his school spelling bee!!  I think I felt more nervous than the kids did...but it did help get this project completed sooner!

Waiting in the theatre for a show to start!  (Super lucky to live in a town with amazing high school plays!)

Back in the theatre!  This time getting ready for my girls dance recital to begin!

While knitting at Great America made me feel a bit old....I think I was a pretty cool middle school chaperone by letting my group wander the park without me !!

So happy it is OK to bring knitting with you on a plane!  Was able to get quite a bit done on this little trip, making the waiting feel not so long!

My girl gets a haircut, I get to relax on the comfy couch!

Knitting at a bar.....well...bringing my kitting to bar.  Cheers!

Life is stressful....Knitting helps!